The Princess Diaries is a march through the swamp of recycled ugly duckling stories, with occasional pauses in the marsh of sitcom cliches and the bog of Idiot Plots.. Notions of responsibility, surrogacy, rites of passage and the value of friendship are gone through, but the highlighting of modern tropes merely serves to emphasise the film's conventionality.. The premise is promising, but writer/director Rowan Joffe seems at a loss for how to handle the material; it all eventually, like Christi...
Plötzlich Prinzessin (2001) Film Abspielen
The Railway Man (2013) Beobachten Film
Unless you're a Hackman aficionado, there's no reason to bother with Heartbreakers.. . Too lumpish, languid, and lukewarm to hit even the guilty pleasure zone.. In the end, for a movie about such a grim and grotesque chapter in history "The Railway Man" commits the most improbable sin of all. It's dull.. . A morally admirable but dramatically inert case of high-minded reconciliation .... ...the long and winding road that is Julie Taymor's opulent, eye-filling, and disappointingly uninvolving mus...
Big Stone Gap (2015) Download Voll
Music perfectly fits with the movie, the story can't tear myself away from the screen for hours. Really GREAT movie!!. The film conceals as much as it reveals, and its beauty is that it pretends to do nothing else. It embraces a mystery and protects it, and its thrilling to behold.. A masterpiece of genre film-making, really worth to watch.. This movie is an epic action movie that I believe in a few years from now shall be more appreciated than it is today !!. A movie can have a superb story, ...
Footloose - Es ist wieder Zeit zum Tanzen (2011) Film-Streaming
Footloose drags its heels to the senior prom and, when it finally gets there, shoves in one last punch-up that puts an odd spin on what should be an upbeat display of happy feet.. Every now and then, we need to be reminded that shaking your booty is something essential. Or, in the case of director Craig Brewer's Footloose update, shaking your rebooty.. Footloose 2011 is harmless as far as it goes, but on the dance floor and off it never goes nearly far enough.. It's a vibrant youth musical that ...
Ich.Darf.Nicht.Schlafen. (2014) Download Film
It's shallow, it's silly, it's pat. It's... forgettable.. If the story is a smidge predictable, at least the movie is pleasingly old-fashioned and grown-up, with a '90s paranoid-thriller vibe.. . [Director] James Mangold's mostly excellent Walk the Line is designed as a Christian epic.. Joaquin Phoenix isn't Johnny Cash. But with the clip-clop of rhythms behind him, aiming his guitar like a gun, he puts on one sensational show.. If it weren't for the diligent performances of its stars, who injec...
Across the Universe (2007) Streaming-
A groundbreaking, rule-bending, expectation-smashing musical.. It's not a great comedy, but it's a raucous one, hard-working and ribald, and I like its spirit.. . . Hits just the right note between naughty and raunchy.. The film unfolds in an impersonal, by-the-book fashion that threatens to become downright laborious.. . . [A] visionary attempt to wed a story of young love and 1960s war protest to the Lennon-McCartney catalog.. . . It's flawed but sometimes gorgeous and uplifting.. Across the U...
Die nackte Wahrheit (2009) Download Film
As tasty as a quart of s'mores, John Tucker Must Die is a slumber-party classic that belongs on the same shelf as Bring It On and 10 Things I Hate About You.. Hairspray delivers an even bigger sugar rush than the hit Broadway musical, which had already expanded on the exuberance of the 1988 John Waters comedy that spawned it.. A cynical, clumsy, aptly titled attempt to cross the female-oriented romantic comedy with the male-oriented gross-out comedy.. The ugly truth about The Ugly Truth is the f...
Step Up All In (2014) Online-Streaming-
Reuniting, or really, introducing, the gang is a gimmick. It's also self-destructive-cramming in all these characters chokes up the plot, and who watches a Step Up for the plot?. What a moveable feast of delights.. Even by the standards of this franchise-and this genre in general-"Step Up All In" is pretty laughable.. When the cast isn't dexterously spinning, "All In" turns into a promotional video for Caesars Palace.. What you get, above all, is some enchanting flashes of classic Miyazaki and t...
Aloha - Die Chance auf Glück (2015) Beobachten Film
"Aloha" feels like several films at once, crammed together and sped up, with results that are emotionally hollow and narratively confusing.. What helps offset the predictable in this very predictable movie is a series of show-stopping numbers, so props to the folks who oversaw music and choreography. But the true saving grace is a few of the central players.. It tries to bridge the gap between pop culture and cultural elitism, between high art and the common commodity that everyone else buys tic...
Die Gärtnerin von Versailles (2015) Online-Streaming-
The film certainly doesn't lack for engaging talent - but none can save it from a fundamentally thin plot.. Mr. Rickman has found in the Sun King a character worthy of his imperious, reptilian charisma.. Subpar Dawson's Creek in Danskins.. . Center Stage is the same old stuff, not an arabesque more.. Schoenaerts and his lack of bodice-busting tension with Winslet mirrors the film's transparent, often anachronistic inauthenticity: He's a modern Belgian using a regal British accent to play sevente...
Kein Ort ohne Dich (2015) Download Voll
What we have here is a not-very-funny college comedy for tweens, full of unappealing characters (and although the musical arrangements are fun, some truly unimaginative choreography).. Everything in the movie is suffused by a vision of life that is resoundingly and evidently false, but as this vision is not repulsive, but is intended to reassure, the lies don't produce anger or frustration. No, they bring on the laughs.. Conforms to a timeworn, and shopworn, Sparks formula of troubled protagonis...
Mamma Mia! (2008) Film Abspielen
. Cheese -- but what wonderfully salty, sinfully satisfying cheese it is.. The year's most aggressive chick flick, with a score of irresistibly catchy ABBA tunes sweetening the dumb story like peaches in cottage cheese.. The movie is more like the Moulin Rouge of my adolescent fantasies than the real Moulin Rouge ever could be.. The film dances; the heart sings.. If you're invited, you might as well enjoy yourself. Just don't say I didn't warn you. And don't you dare say I hate ABBA.. What pleas...
Almost Famous - Fast berühmt (2000) Wiedergabe Von Streaming-
A winner because Crowe dares to wear his heart on his sleeve. For this movie at least, he's with the band.. Those who do find their way into this supremely silly action-mystery caper are in for a few grins if not laughs thanks largely to the deft - and daft - performance of Johnny Depp in the title role.. Keeping up with the movie's inane plot twists makes for a capricious good time, but an unimaginative denouement turns the whole thing into a fool's errand.. We genuinely like watching Hough and...
Step Up to the Streets (2008) Streaming-
Swept away by the intensity of the characters' movie debates and sexual games, Bertolucci often recaptures the film-besotted spirit of the period.. Rather than turning into a coming-of-age story, the movie wallows in the cocoon-like insularity of its characters.. The story may be old, but these kids act -- and dance -- as though they are telling it for the first time.. Step Up 2 the Streets posits a universe where racial and class differences are minor obstacles to fun and pretends its cliches a...
Alles erlaubt - Eine Woche ohne Regeln (2011) Film-Streaming
What a moveable feast of delights.. An insanely creative work.. The world it gives us to live in, for a couple of hours, is pure magic. It is one of those places we might wish never to leave.. Why do the Farrellys huff and puff and hem and haw and meander through a full third of the picture before the premise even clicks into low gear? At least the answer isn't long in coming: They don't have clue one where to go with it.. So richly detailed and colorful that one almost aches from the beauty.. T...
Pitch Perfect (2012) Streaming-
A movie that's made to be obsessed over, seen 50 times, quoted as devoutly as such sacred texts as "Heathers" and "Bring It On.". Warblers win the day in this sweet-natured film (based on a swell behind-the-scenes book by Mickey Rapkin) about the life and loves of collegians from competing a-cappella groups.. "Pitch Perfect" is major key all the way, a blast of tuneful sugary cheer kicked up with enough tart humor to offset the glucose.. The girls, for the most part, are genuinely funny, weird, ...
Step Up - Miami Heat (2012) Download Film
Match Point is Woody Allen's best picture in more than a decade -- an excellent character piece/social study that evolves into a suspense thriller with an O. Henry twist.. It has Woody's humor and subtlety; no British bluntness here. The acting is first-cabin all the way. And it's genuinely moving. Move it to the top of your must-see list.. Despite their infectious energy and some mind-blowing moves, there's a chaotic formlessness to even the best of these set pieces. A small masterpiece.. While...
Corpse Bride - Hochzeit mit einer Leiche (2005) Film-Streaming
The sweetness, the visual flourishes and inspired pieces of casting carry the Corpse Bride, if not all the way down the primrose path, then at least across the threshold.. Corpse Bride isn't merely eye candy; it's a masterpiece of motion, color and texture that never stops dazzling.. Tim Burton's Corpse Bride is easily the best stop-motion animated necrophiliac musical romantic comedy of all time. It is also just simply, wonderful: a morbid, merry tale of true love that dazzles the eyes and deli...
Center Stage (2000) Voll Streaming
Assuming that every generation needs its own dance film, Hytner revists the turf of films like Turning Point (classic ballet), Chrous Line (Broadway dancing) and Saturday Night Fever (disco) and blends together their themes and persona to little effect.. Unfortunately, in between the dance sequences, the actors are allowed to talk. This is a problem.. . Anybody who's ever laced on toe shoes, or wanted to, will find something to take away from Center Stage.. Embarrassingly enjoyable.. . Subpar Da...
Hairspray (2007) Film-Streaming
It is the most deliriously enjoyable movie in a summer that hasn't been exactly packed with old-fashioned moviegoing pleasure.. Adam Shankman's Hairspray is a great big sloppy kiss of entertainment for audiences weary of explosions, CGI effects and sequels, sequels, sequels.. ... a dreary female revenge timewaster that steals from so many and returns so little.. As tasty as a quart of s'mores, John Tucker Must Die is a slumber-party classic that belongs on the same shelf as Bring It On and 10 Th...